Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume 11 | Issue 1

Program Components of Proyash for the Education and Inclusion of the Children with Special Needs: An evaluation of the academic and support service structure

Md Mostagousur Rahman Khan


This research is an endeavor to evaluate the academic and support service structure of Proyash, as an effective educational institution for children with disabilities through the lenses of parents, educators, therapist and patrons. This research will evaluate the programs and program components of Proyash through literature review in context of national and international policies, guidelines, declarations and frameworks as well as the comparative analysis with the national and international special education institutes. More related literature will be studied for the comparison with contemporary special education institutes of Bangladesh and recent trend in international arena. Finally, the strength and limitations will be projected using the questionnaire survey. This evaluation will help to identify the concrete structure of Proyash and also the loopholes, with which the further amendment can be done.

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